Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Behavioral Theory Influence on Personality Essay - 1280 Words

Behavioral Theory Influence on Personality There are a number of theories which have attempted to explain human behavior and its impact on social as well as work life. These theories have tried to explain how human behavior shapes a person’s personality. One of the important theories is the Behavioral Theory or Behaviorism. This theory depends on the premise that all kinds of human behaviors are basically acquired via conditioning. The behavioral theories originated in the first part of the 20th century and were promoted by eminent psychologists like John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner. These behavioral techniques are in use even today to facilitate the learning process of individuals and learn new behavior in various circumstances.†¦show more content†¦For instance, an employee’s punctuality may depend upon the counseling provided by his superior or by watching other workers being counseled for not coming to work on time. Again, if an employee is praised for being punctual, this behavior gets positiv ely reinforced resulting in a repetition of such behavior. (Sommers-Flanagan; Sommers-Flanagan, 2004); (Myers, 2004) Skinner advocated a â€Å"radical behaviorism†, which he believed had the potential to change society. According to this theory, reinforcement principles could be employed to working practices in human institutions to bring about positive changes in society. As per this theory, environmental events taking place in society, the reactions of individuals to these events, and the outcomes of such behavior can be scientifically observed and studied. According to Watson, Skinner and other behaviorists, consciousness is something that can not and should not be studied. (Leonard, 2002) Behaviorists like Skinner have stressed that behaviorism can be used to create a perfect society where social engineers can use behaviorist techniques to mould the environment in such a way that all evil can be eliminated and harmonious social relations and personal happiness can be achi eved. (Colarelli, 2003) One of the basic elements of Skinner’s behavioral theory is operant conditioning. An individual or organism gets a reinforcing stimulus or reinforcer while it is operating. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Social Of Social Cognitive Theory1591 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Cognitive Theory is perhaps the most comprehensive and complex learning theories in the field of psychology. The theory attempts to explain how our social environment has a great influence on our behaviors and actions. Albert Bandura is the most notable psychologist of the Social Cognitive Theory. 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